Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stop, Look, and Listen

Note: This lesson was the first presented by our current preacher when he joined our work six-and-a-half years ago. Now he delivers it again as he prepares to join another work.

We have signs that are posted at dangerous intersections and crossroads, and one of those many signs reads: “Stop, Look & Listen.” We come to crossroads time and again in our lives, and, whenever we reach those crossroads we should always remember to stop, look, and listen. We need to stop our worldly disagreements; we need to look up, out and around; and we need to listen to one another and to God.

Stopping, Looking, and Listening
Stop Grumbling. John 6:41-51 records Jesus speaking to a multitude trying to understand His teachings about His being the bread of life and the eternal refreshing coming from Him. In this context, He tells them to stop their grumbling, and we must do likewise. We must stop complaining. We must stop our arguing. It accomplishes nothing but discouragement, and Galatians 5:15 warns us against consuming each other in negativity. Instead, we should be edifying and encouraging each other.

Look Up. In John 4:31-38, the apostles are urging Christ to eat, but he asks them to redirect their attention, to lift up their eyes and look at the people all around them in need of the gospel. We need to look up and look out for opportunities and for each other as in Philippians 2:4. We should be putting self interest aside, and we must be involved in the needs of others. Then, we need to be looking up as in Colossians 3:1-2. Instead of being focused on the things of this life, we need to set our eyes and our minds on things above. That is the goal forever in front of us. That is the promise we have no matter the pains, distractions, and sorrows of this life.

Listen. James 1:19 calls on us to be swift to hear and slow to speak. We need to listen with open ears and closed mouths, listening to understand, not to rebut. We come from different perspectives, different levels of maturity, different backgrounds, different convictions. This type of listening is imperative if we are to grow as a Christian family. Also, John 10:27 reminds us that we need to listen to our Shepherd. We need to take His word and absorb it. We need to make that word a part of us because we listen to it so intently, desiring understanding.

After we stop, look, and listen, we need to move forward as one with the Lord. If we do this, then any crossroads we face are only temporary. Any separations we experience are only for a time, for we can make that crossing knowing our destination, knowing we will all be reunited one day with our God in Heaven.

lesson by Tim Smelser